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Saturday, 21 January 2017

FNSI and the Rainbow Scrap Challenge

Many thanks to Wendy for hosting our first FNSI for 2017. There were 34 of us at the party last night - click on the link to see what everyone was doing.

I was not terribly productive - I cut out these diamonds for my Hexathon quilt and got them all basted, then got interested in a film and the knitting I had intended to get on with stayed in it's bag!

I have been following a few bloggers who do the Rainbow Scrap Challenge and I thought that this year it would be a good idea for me, a way to clear away a few scraps.
So I am joining up with Angela at soscrappy for ScrapHappy Saturday.

I have decided to use two related block designs - the Friendship Star

and Star on Star

Which, put together, look like this

although I have not joined them yet as I want to play around with the layout a bit. Having read this sad story by Chantal, I now have two of those blocks soaking in Metapex as there was a trace of purple on the kitchen paper when I tested one of the fabrics. I must remember to test all my old fabrics before I use them!

Maybe I should have made more blocks as this has hardly made a dimple in my stash and so following the lead of Fiona I decided to make a storage basket for my desk. I replaced this ugly thing that holds my small rulers and other useful items

with this

I pieced together some scraps of batting and used some fairly stiff fabric (that I don't like very much) for the lining. I found a short length of purplish binding in my box of binding scraps and there we are, a truly scrappy basket. I need one more basket for my desk which I shall do another month and I could do with a new mat to stand my sewing machine on too which could be made by the same method.

Thank you Angela for hosting the RSC.


  1. Very nice blocks! I like the alternating patterns and colors. Love the basket, too. Bonne journee'!

  2. Love the purple stars. Both of them. They look like sisters sitting next to each other. Great job on the basket too. I want to make a basket a la Fiona too. Don't forget to check for bleeders in the scrap bin. Some fabrics have been in the scraps for so long, we don't remember if we washed or not. I've learned a lesson the hard way. So test the scraps for bleeders. Have a great day! ;^)

  3. Your star blocks are beautiful! They will be perfect for an RSC quilt! I have to admit I don't prewash, so hope I don't run into trouble one of these days. I have had good luck with putting Color Catchers in the wash with my quilts.

  4. I'd say you were very productive!
    Love the little stars!

  5. That's a lovely cheerful basket for your odds and ends!

  6. That basket was a great way to put lots of fabric to use. The dark and light backgrounds of your purple blocks really play nicely together. Great start!

  7. Lovely basket and lovely Friendship Star blocks (I am doing those too). Welcome to the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!

  8. Great RSC block!
    I use several "Color Catchers" in a load when I wash quilts and I've never had any bleeding problems. I don't prewash my fabrics.

  9. Those two star blocks go together so well and should look great in a rainbow setting. Glad to have you with us.

  10. Hi Lin, your friendship block is gorgeous. I love the colour combinations as well as the pattern.
    Great storage box as well! Wish I could get as organised with my paint gear ;D)
    Cheerio and have fun stitching :D)

  11. you got lots done. I love friendship stars and of course the fabric basket is great for storage of any kind as well as using up bits of wadding you don't really like!

  12. Welcome to the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!! you are off to a GREAT start with your Friendship Star blocks and your scrappy basket.

  13. Your Friendship Star and Star on Star blocks are so pretty! They look great together. Nice basket too!

  14. Great star blocks, lucky you picked up the colour issues early.
    Lovey basket too!

  15. I thought you were quite productive too Lin. And those stars....oh my gosh, theyre beautiful! Just love stars...it will be a fabulous quilt, I'm sure....great Idea with the rulers too. thanks for joining in for FNSI I'll draw a winner tomorrow! xox

  16. Love the blocks you've chosen to do, good job you discovered the purple wasn't colour fast at this stage in the making. Your new basket is pretty too.

  17. Your star blocks are really lovely and look so great together and I love baskets and pland on making a few from Fiona's tutorial too, always handy to have .

  18. Beautiful blocks,love your layout and also the basket,gorgeous.

    wishing you a great week.

  19. What a great choice of blocks! They look lovely together.

  20. I love the two blocks together!

  21. Nice blocks and lovely basket. Love the purple things going on!

  22. Beautiful blocks - oh how I hate when fabric runs though, I had that happen on a couple of Christmas gifts I made, had to throw them out. Love your basket, so pretty - and I love the pic in your header!

  23. Love the rainbow blocks - this is such a great idea...though I suspect it wont use up much of the stash...

  24. At least you found out about the purple before having an issue! That basket makes a huge difference and it looks great - I love the idea of having something like that to hold all your bits! Must have been a good movie I feel you didn't even pullout the knitting lol

  25. The rainbow scraps are such a good idea Lin, you might have to make some more of those blocks for each time, to make a dent in your pile of pieces!

  26. I see many folk are doing the scrappy Rainbow thing.. May be a good idea for me too.
    Love your blocks and lovely basket..

  27. I didn't do anything with my scarps last year and accumulated a lot of strings. A basket like the one you made would be a most useful addition to my sewing area.


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