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Friday 17 May 2024


It has been a busy day so I was happy just to collapse onto the sofa in front of the TV with some nice, mindless knitting.

Earlier I had taken a break for half an hour after lunch to work on my stitch journal - todays is the bulls eye bottom right.

Thank you Wendy for getting us together again this Friday - pop over to Wendy's blog here to see who else took part.

Yesterday I finally got my RSC blocks finished along with Jennifer's lovely Joy block.

These blocks are building up nicely now and I will soon have to lay them all out to see how they are looking.

Well, that is all from me for today. Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Monday 13 May 2024

I made another book!

 I thought that another zig zag book would make a great holiday sketchbook and so having purchased a large sheet of nice quality paper I set to. And this time I remembered a few in progress shots.

First up I folded the paper down to the size that I wanted for my book. I then randomly printed each side with some simple sponge shapes and acrylic paint. I used blue and yellow as I am hoping for plenty of both those colours while we are away! Here you can see the two sides which I remembered to photograph after I had cut them so you can see here how to make the cuts.

I wanted my book landscape but if you wanted a portrait book then you would just make the three cuts from the other two sides.

Having folded my book I then set to dealing with the awkward bits and made pockets out of the two that face upwards.

These will be useful for storing bits and bobs while I am working on the book and will be handy for postcards, tickets or other collected bits.

The awkward bit in the centre faces downwards but there were conveniently placed circles on each side

which I cut around to make windows.

I will be able to stick something interesting behind these before I sew up the base and side.

I had a rifle through my folder of odd bits of paper for something to cover the two end boards and found these which I thought fitted the theme.

They are crumpled brown paper which I have 'cleaned up' my print roller on at some time and then over painted. These bits will always find their moment to shine.

Anyway, I covered the end boards, glued them in place and voila! one finished book.

Summer came to visit briefly last week so I took the opportunity of taking some garden pictures - just as well as we are back to wind and rain today.

Also last week my quilt group - Apple County Quilters - had an open day which was very successful. Having no idea how many would come we were pleasantly surprised by how many people turned up - and by how much they spent of the sales table! It was a bit of a squeeze in a small village hall but we put on a good and varied display of quilts large and small, with the odd bit of knitting thrown in for good measure.

Well, that was a long one! Thanks for making it this far. Have a good week.

Sunday 5 May 2024

Friday Night with Friends May

 And I am late on parade! But have enjoyed catching up with everyone else.

Not a lot of sewing happened here on Friday - just my Stitch Journal for the day. So this month we are 'pretty in pink' and I have enjoyed pulling out a few threads to work with. It seems that for some reason I have a vast amount of pink threads and I don't know why as it is not a favourite colour. Anyway, here we are so far this month.

And here is my finished page for April.

It was lovely to have a visit from my niece and great niece on Friday to help celebrate my birthday - and many thanks to all of you who sent me birthday wishes.

We had a lovely lunch out with of course yummy dessert! Lemon posset.

And a photo for posterity - we don't get to meet up that often.

Earlier in the week I finished quilting the first two borders on Wings

and I have now marked and started quilting the wide applique border. Looking good - photo later. I should get plenty done as my patchwork group has an open day on Tuesday so I should be able to settle down for a good session.

Meanwhile, more celebrations tomorrow and we have a public holiday so there is a car boot sale to visit.

Have a great week.