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Tuesday 9 August 2016

Hexathon update on EPP Tuesday

Linking up with Anthea at Hibiscus Stitches - thank you Anthea.

I have one completed hexathon block to share - #13 Oxford Rose

And thirteen blocks means that we are half way through the hexathon!

This weeks block is #14 Canterbury and is still work in progress

There is a mini version of this to - the pieces are cut and partially basted.

I have amassed a nice collection of blue flowers over the last couple of years through my swap groups and I have decided to link them with yellow stepping stones. So I have now started basting yellow hexies ready to start joining them up. Here are a few.

Don't forget to link up with Anthea if you have some EPP work on the go.

Have a great week.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Very nice! I think the yellow will be perfect with the blue flowers.

  3. Lovely. I'm not really a yellow person but mix it with blue or flame colours and I love it 😊

  4. Lovely. I'm not really a yellow person but mix it with blue or flame colours and I love it 😊

  5. Those will make nice stepping stones, and blue and yellow always look good together. I love your #13. I'm finishing #3 - WAY behind. =)

  6. great new blocks, such pretty happy colours.

  7. Lovely blocks, I'm almost done with mine #14. Yours look very nice.
    Yellow and blue are always pretty together.

  8. Wow, I'm impressed, you've been busy! Lovely blocks and the Canterbury block looks rather challenging.
    Enjoy your week,

  9. Wow Canterbury has so many pieces Lin - you're making such fab progress - good on you!
    And I look forward to seeing your blues & yellows come together.

  10. Lovely hexies and I think the yellow and blue will be perfect , I love that combination .


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