Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy reading about my adventures - in stitch and otherwise! And I hope that you will leave a comment so that I know you have visited.

Saturday, 8 February 2025

FNWFs February

 As usual thanks to Cheryll for organising our Friday night cyber stitch - you can see who else took part here.

First up for the afternoon was my stitch journal and I added these little snowdrops.

Earlier in the week I came across this delightful snowdrop tile design by Christopher Dresser which I knew would be perfect for my journal.

The first week of February is looking like this

After visiting a friend in the afternoon I settled down with some quilting for the evening. I have been cracking on with Wings this week and have almost finished my quota for the month.

Which will leave me plenty of time to play with my Chookshed Challenge. I had a practise run earlier in the week and have made my first selvedge block.

I used a 9" square of batting and will trim to 8.5". I will need 12 of these to make a tote the size that I want so I need to get busy. Sadly I can see that I shall not be making a huge dent in my selvedge stash!

Also this week I completed my little tree skirt embroidery. Another cute little design.

So that is me up to date - happy stitching everyone and I look forward to reading lots of FNWFs posts.

Saturday, 1 February 2025

The End of January

 And I for one am sad that the month is over when all around seem to be rejoicing that February is here and that the 'long, dark' month of January is over! For me January is a great month for brisk chilly walks and lots of cosy sewing and knitting. A time to recoup after Christmas and plan for the coming year - which will no doubt be over before we know it. Anyway less of my moaning and more about what I have been up to this week.

Another fun week with my stitch journal.

The TAST stitches for this week were Raised Chain which I had not tried before You can see two versions at the bottom of the photo. We had some strong wind last weekend, hence the windswept tree.

And here is a picture of my roll for January.

Love how it is turning out. However I can now see that the thread I have is not going to last the year although I have plenty of fabric and lace etc. I can't replicate the threads I dyed using plants from the garden in St Victor but I also have threads dyed with tea, coffee onion skins and black bean water which I can try to reproduce. The other problem I have is that they were solar dyed and that is not going to happen at this time of year. So I am going to try standing my jam jars in the airing cupboard to give them some  warmth. My first jar is underway - we have a casserole with black beans tonight and the soaking water plus some alum and a selection of threads is safely stowed away for a month. Fingers crossed.

My knitting has progressed this week and I turned the heel last night. I also have the next border of Wings marked up and ready to quilt.

We had a nice trip out in some sunshine yesterday - to Stogumber a village about 20 minutes drive from us. We wanted to look around the church of St Mary's which is right in the centre of the village.

When I first looked at the front of the church I was not very impressed - I thought it very unattractive.

However from the rear you see the lovely warm pink stone that has been used for the building.

I found some nice textiles inside. This piano cover caught my eye first.

No accompanying information of course! Then across the other side of the church this hanging below the organ pipes.

I love the rich William Morris style decoration in the altar and choir area.

To the right of the choir is the tomb of Sir George Sydenham, father in law of Sir Francis Drake.

A sad sight in the graveyard was this tree which had blown over in a storm before Christmas.

According to the lady who befriended us in the church, the rings have been counted and it was over 200 years old - a big tree as you can see!

Right this post has been far too long! so time for me to go.
Have a great week.

Chookshed Challenge #10

 My challenge for No 10 is to make a largish tote bag using my collection of selvedges to make blocks.

Not sure how far these will go but I am sure there are more than I can cope with in a month! Need some planning time though before I get started.

Good luck everyone. xx

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Chookshed Challenge January


Challenge #6 has been put away now - very happy with the progress I have made on this. Not enough blue hexies to finish off round that last flower - I need to shop, chop and baste! 16 of the 42 flowers have been used and hopefully I can get some more of this done over the year when nothing else is calling.

Many thanks to Deana for organising the challenge - looking forward to next months number now.

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Sunday Catch up

 Just popping in with an update on what I have been working on this week. First of all my stitch journal for the week up to yesterday.

I have been busy with my Chookshed Challenge and have more hexies basted and extra flowers added.

Bit of a busy photograph but you get the idea. Sorry about the shadow - grim weather and light here today. A shopping trip is needed for more blue pathway fabrics😊😊 One more week on this so hopefully I can make a lot more progress.

Also my Trailblazer socks have progressed and you can now clearly see the pattern.

There is one twist to the front of the sock and one at the back but not central - offset - hope that makes sense.

Thats it from me for this week - happy stitching!

Saturday, 18 January 2025

January 2025 FNSI

 Our first FSNI of the year and thanks to Wendy for all her organising. As usual you can see everyone who took part on Wendy's blog here.

As always my first sewing task of the day was my Stitch Journal and this circle was Fridays contribution.

I have added another circle today so here is how my week has looked.

On Monday we needed some fresh air after a weekend indoors so we drove up to Wellington Monument.

From the car park there is a lovely tree lined walk to the Monument.

 And the hedge on either side has been laid at some point in the past.

Just look at all those lovely roots!

There are days when the monument is open and you can climb the steps to the top. Evidently the views are spectacular.

Anyway, you can see that I commemorated our walk in my stitch journal.

So, back to Friday and I spent a couple of hours in the afternoon on the machine whipping up a quick bag to go in our picnic hamper to contain cutlery and other loose bits and bobs - sorry no pic.

Then in the evening more quilting on Wings. No Chookshed Challenge this week as I want to complete my quilting quota for the month before going back to it.

But I have made a start on my next knitting project.

The pattern is not showing up well yet but I am pleased with how it is looking so far.

And that is me for the week - see you next week.

Saturday, 11 January 2025

 It's the second week of January and it has been a cold one. None of the predicted snow arrived here although there is plenty of it around the country. We can also see some sitting on the hills around Taunton.

So it has been a hibernating sort of week although we did venture out for lunch on our Wedding Anniversary.

My Stitch Journal is slowly building and I am enjoying my daily visits. Here it is as of yesterday.

I shall add todays stitches later while the FA cup football is playing in the background.

Working with these threads and fabrics reminded me of the Slow Stitch book that first got me started on solar dyeing and so I pulled it out for a browse.

One immediate benefit of this was that I found a dearly loved bookmark which I thought I had lost!

It was lovely to browse through the book again, and I am inspired to dye some more fabrics this summer for next years stitch journal - I need to be held to this!

I also found this lovely quote which I thought I would share.

This week also found me pulling out my Chookshed Challenge no 6. It is to use some of the hexie flowers that I have received in swaps over the last few years.

Here they all are - 41 of them.

I have decided to add a blue pathway around them as I join and they will either be a lap quilt or tablecloth - decision to be made at some point in the future.

So far I have cut and basted a batch of blue hexies and started adding the flowers together.

But I have parked this now for a week while I crack on with quilting Wings - I would like to complete another outer border by the end of the month. No pictures but I can assure you I have started!

I had not intended starting any more knitting for the time being but along came the annual Winwick Mum KAL and I was tempted. There is a free pattern - use the link just above - which I thought would be ideal to use with this yarn which has been sitting in my knitting bag.

It is not necessary to use the pattern to join in - just something using any Winwick Mum pattern or yarn. See here for more information about the Winter Haven KAL. I am planning to get some stitches cast on this evening.

Well, I think that is all I have to tell you for now - hope you all have a great week.

Saturday, 4 January 2025

Finishes and New Beginnings

First up a few finishes from the beginning of the week and my final stitch journal page is complete!

I have really enjoyed working on these pages over the year and look forward to putting them all into book form later this year.

I also completed another Field Journal embroidery - this was the one with bullion knots which actually turned out OK I am pleased to say!

And now for the new year. I have started on my stitch journal roll which I shall be working on every day this year (and posting daily to Instagram, link in sidebar). This is how it looks three days in.

A flower to brighten a few chilly days, but at least the sun was shining. Grey again today and possible snow later.

Another new start for this year is this Hatched and Patched tree skirt that I fell in love with last year.

I plan to embroider one of the little roundels each month and then put it all together in October. Here is the first embroidery complete and waiting to be trimmed and turned ready for appliqueing later.

Since the New Year another Field Journal embroidery was completed.

I wonder why that corner is missing!! This is my last FJ block for now as Wings and Pretty things will be coming out again soon.

I think I mentioned before that I had started some crochet but had no pictures. Well the crochet has progressed over the Christmas period and this is how it is looking now.

I bought a skein of this gorgeous handspun yarn in a local craft shop while searching for Christmas presents and just had to have it. I love those smoky sunset colours. I had no idea how far it would go so started out with the premise that it would at least make a cowl but that I would carry on with it as far as it would go. So I am pleased that I am going to have a reasonable length scarf. Just a little more to go but I do love how this pattern is working up - just simple chain and little picots which are easy and quick to work. I got the pattern from this delightful book which is full of lots of simple craft ideas.

So far I have not got around to my No 6 from the Chookshed Challenge which is to make something/s with the swap hexie flowers I have received over the last few years. I shall be getting them out for a play this week.

Well I think that is all from me for now, I hope you have a great week and I shall be back again next Saturday.