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Saturday 12 October 2024

Another Friday....

 ....another day out! And some more lovely hydrangeas.

This time at Dunster Castle which for one reason or another we have not visited since the spring. We started our visit in the Dream Garden, an enclosed garden on the perimiter of the property. It always looks lovely and yesterday was no exception with the Dahlia's and borders looking glorious.

There is a lovely view of the church from the gardens

and we realised that we have never been inside. So instead of returning to the castle we headed into town and spent a while looking round The Priory Church of St George 

Lots of lovely carved wood in this church which was originally shared by the monks from Dunster Priory and the people of the parish.

This next section of the church is behind the altar which you can just glimpse in the first photograph.

(If I had wanted those pictures like that I would never have worked out how!)

The tiles look Victorian to me - not easy to photograph without the light spoiling them. But they were lovely.

After stopping off at the gallery of Maurice Bishop a regular stop both in Dunster and Lymnouth when we visit, we headed off to the NT shop for some flour from the Dunster Water Mill and then back to the car. We could see the sea from the castle with this lovely clear view of Steep Holm.

So headed for Dunster Beach to eat our picnic. Very clear views across the channel to Wales.

Just a couple of pictures of what I have benn working on this week. First up I finished these socks.

I used the Winwick Mum basic sock pattern with West Yorkshire Spinners Amethyst sock wool and their Winwick Mum Wildflowers sock wool. One more pair to get cracking on now before Christmas.

I have of course been keeping up with my Stitch Journal and the leaves are filling out nicely.

Thanks for sticking with me if you have made it this far!

Have a great week

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