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Saturday, 14 December 2024

Mid December already!

 And what a grey and dismal week it has been! The storm last Saturday was as bad as forecast with lots of damage in the county and West of the country. Fortunately we survived damage free, we are in a dip and do not catch the worst of the wind. However, I did enjoy sitting indoors and watching all the leaves from the trees to the front of our house skip away across the surface of the park! Hardly any left on the trees now. Since then we have had grey weather and yesterday was particularly damp and dismal but today is a bright sunny day with lots of blue sky.

As usual I have been enjoying my stitch journal.

I have been thinking for the last month or so about how I can continue on with this but in my own way. I have all these nice solar dyed threads and fabrics left from my boro flower panel - see header picture -

and thought that it would be nice to make use of them. So I have decided to use them to make a daily stitch roll using this lovely old mill spool that I picked up recently in a charity shop.

So I am all ready now to start stitching on January 1st.

And to keep myself on track I have decided a daily post on Instagram will make sure I am up to date.

I have been quilting this week too - no pictures - and have also finished these Kingfisher socks.

So Christmas knitting all done and dusted. Christmas decorations have gone up this week and I had a present wrapping session one afternoon. Just a few more to do. We shall be entertaining twice over Christmas so now I need to plan my menus!

Have a good week everyone and happy stitching.


  1. Another lovely post Lin ... I think the spool idea to use up all your remnants from the Boro panel is such a wonderful idea. I look forward to seeing it come to life. I am thinking of doing more spool type slow stitching next year. xx

  2. I don't miss British winters. Your stars look beautiful, I'm still toying with the idea of doing a bit of a stitch journal next year.

  3. Love the idea of daily stitching using the mill spool, Lin. A friend of mine had her husband make me a large spool and I've been waiting for inspiration to begin stitching a long cloth around it. Looking forward to seeing your progress. :-)

  4. You have been busy! I love the stars. Using the spool is a clever idea for daily stitching. I'll look for your IG posts.

  5. There was one year that the wild winds piled all the leaves in corners of the village that aren't usually so blest. This year has not been like that - I think every leaf has been pummelled to dust! I like your plan for the new year - I shall look forward to seeing it progress!

  6. YOu sound very organised. I love the idea with the daily stitching spool and look forward to watching it grow next year.... how are those menu's doing?

  7. Your pretty stars are a bright pop of colour. Looking forward to seeing your daily stitching spool progressing.

  8. I love the stars...need to find you on IG now..LoL


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