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Saturday, 8 February 2025

FNWFs February

 As usual thanks to Cheryll for organising our Friday night cyber stitch - you can see who else took part here.

First up for the afternoon was my stitch journal and I added these little snowdrops.

Earlier in the week I came across this delightful snowdrop tile design by Christopher Dresser which I knew would be perfect for my journal.

The first week of February is looking like this

After visiting a friend in the afternoon I settled down with some quilting for the evening. I have been cracking on with Wings this week and have almost finished my quota for the month.

Which will leave me plenty of time to play with my Chookshed Challenge. I had a practise run earlier in the week and have made my first selvedge block.

I used a 9" square of batting and will trim to 8.5". I will need 12 of these to make a tote the size that I want so I need to get busy. Sadly I can see that I shall not be making a huge dent in my selvedge stash!

Also this week I completed my little tree skirt embroidery. Another cute little design.

So that is me up to date - happy stitching everyone and I look forward to reading lots of FNWFs posts.


  1. Very nice snow drops, Lin. Amazing how we can get creative ideas from so many places.

  2. Snowdrops! It will be awhile before I see them. The one in your journal is a nice reminder that spring will come. The cat for the tree skirt is really cute.

  3. I love the way that you took the snowdrop tile as the inspiration for your journal. I need to look at selvedges in a different way instead of just bining them.

  4. Lovely assortment of projects, I do love your snowdrops...

  5. Everything you have worked on is just absolutely delightful Lin. Well done! xx

  6. Inspiration comes from everywhere, doesn't it? Your snowdrops embroidery is pretty. I imagine you would only need to look out your window and snowdrops will be popping up soon? The little cat is sweet. A lot of people save selvedges. I never seem to. Maybe I should as there are some fabulous quotes on some. I look forward to seeing your finished tote, Lin.

  7. Nice job getting lots of bits done.... Ill get my blog post done later today sometime

  8. Lovely works Lin. That tile is gorgeous and perfect inspiration. Enjoy your Sunday :)

  9. That is a very lovely tile pattern. And it's the second time I've heard of Christopher Dresser today!

  10. Your snow drop is adorable.

  11. You have some fun and interesting projects going, Lin. Your stitching is perfect! The snowdrops are so pretty.

  12. We've lived in the tropics for 16 years now, but before that we lived in a cold climate and I loved to see the snowdrops popping up here and there!! Just the other day I was thinking about them, and the joy they brought me...thank you for a sweet diversion down memory lane, Lin. xxx

  13. Very pretty snowdrops...I've been wondering about my selvedges too...maybe a bag...but maybe they will just sit there for a while longer.

  14. Crazy your selvedge stash is so big.


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