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Sunday, 16 March 2025

Friday Night with Friends

 A weeks delay for our FWWFs but thank you Cheryll for getting us organised this week. Sadly, having spent the day painting the garden fence all I could manage in the way of stitch was my Stitch Journal. Here is the last week

Friday nights sewing was that sweep of running stitch to remind me of the sweep of my paintbrush!

This week saw the completion of the quilting on Wings and Pretty Things. Look carefully and you might spot + marking the last stitch!

I worked on my Chookshed Challenge this week - a simple project that was done in an evening.

This little kit cost me peanuts in a local house clearance warehouse. The fabric is silk and the lovely threads perle. Now hangs from my bedside lamp.

I swapped numbers this month in favour of this simple project as I have secret stitching to do and that is now under way. Also this week I got the handles and bindings ready for my selvedge bag which I hope to complete next week when I get out the sewing machine.

So that is all from me for now. Have a good week. 


  1. I love that sweep of running stitch for the painting - a perfect representation!

  2. I could not find the last stitch but I was admiring your lovely even hand quilting. You have captured the sweep of a paint brush beautifully. A pretty little lavender bag.


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