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Sunday 22 September 2024

FNSI September

 Friday Night Sew In has come around quickly again! and the end of September is in sight. Thank you to Wendy for organising our Friday night again this month.

As usual I started my afternoon with my Stitch Journal which is growing nicely.

Then went on to work on my Boro flower panel. I am filling in the gaps now and waiting for inspiration to strike regarding the top left hand corner - that ricrac seemed like a good idea at the time!

Apologies for poor lighting on this one - it is raining this morning and the light is not good.

I cracked on with some knitting in the evening and this morning I finished the second Vintage Tinsel sock.

Again, sorry about the poor light!

We had some lovely weather earlier in the week and took the opportunity to visit Barrington Court. Always a lovely visit and something different to see each season. The borders were looking stunning and the White Garden full of lovely frothy white Cosmos.

I have also been distracted this week by some good reading! We found a new to us author and I have been whizzing through these books. If you like murder/detective stories then I can recommend these which are set in The Lake District.

I plan to spend what looks likely to be a wet afternoon, knitting some baby socks with the last of the Vintage Tinsel wool. Hope you are having a dryer day.

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